The Fearful Flyer's Blueprint

 A Step-by-Step Digital Course to Overcome Your Fear of Flying (without white knuckling it)

If you’re a fearful flyer looking to have more confidence, comfort, and freedom to travel (without dreading the flight) then you're in the right place.

  • For the Person Who Has Been Avoiding Traveling for Years: 

For years, you've played it safe, sticking to destinations reachable by car or train while avoiding flying at all costs. Your world, though familiar, has become somewhat limited. You've missed out on countless opportunities, from attending weddings to enjoying vacations. It's time for a change, to unlock new experiences, save valuable time, and fully embrace the freedom to explore places both near and far.

  • For the Person Who Flies Occasionally with Dread and Limitations: 

You still travel by plane, but with each flight comes a sense of dread, and you've limited yourself to shorter routes. Sleepless nights and anticipation anxiety have become all too familiar. Your fear has held you back from fully embracing longer international adventures, and you're more than ready to bid farewell to those white-knuckled flights, so that you can become a confident traveler.



The Fearful Flyer's Blueprint will give you the education, tools, and support you need to start looking forward to traveling rather than resigning yourself to only traveling by car. 


By the end of this program,

you will have…

  • Confidence in the Safety of Air Travel

Imagine being able to watch the planes take off and land with a newfound understanding and appreciation. The world of aviation no longer feels like a mystery but a source of fascination, empowering you to face your upcoming flight with confidence.

  •  Escaped the Anxiety Loop 

When anxiety shows up, you don’t get pulled in because you understand the intricate dynamics of your anxiety. You recognize its patterns and triggers, and instead of succumbing to panic, you use your newfound knowledge to stay composed and relaxed.

  •  Discovered Strategies to Handle Anticipatory Anxiety 

Instead of being overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, you're in control of your mind. You easily recognize when your imagination is running wild, redirecting your focus to the present moment.

  • Gained Essential Skills to Keep Calm in the Face of Anxiety 

Envision yourself in your airplane seat, relaxed and serene, even as the plane encounters mild turbulence. You've mastered the art of keeping calm, and your body remains at ease. You no longer feed your anxiety with tension, but instead, you breathe deeply and stay in a state of tranquility throughout the flight.

  •  Design Your Own Recovery Plan

You will create your own customized plan that serves as your ongoing commitment to overcome travel fears. With clear goals for practice flights, exposure exercises, and actionable coping tools, you're not just managing your anxiety; you're on a journey of transformation. Your roadmap ensures that you'll continue to progress, no matter how long it takes. This scenario is about your unwavering dedication to a life free from the shackles of flight anxiety.

“I was really impressed with you and I am so incredibly thankful to have had this opportunity. You are really on to something! This is what I had been praying for, an opportunity to get back into it without having the fear of a long flight. It was my next baby step to getting to where I want to be. Even if I did this exact same thing again, for me it would be good because the experience at the airport is just as stressful as the plane. Being in the airport and normalizing is helpful too. Thank you for doing this! I feel like I am ready to do a practice flight to a nearby destination.”

Former student of the Anxious Flyers Workshop Airport Experience


“Jenny is such an asset to the mental health community. She has an approachable demeanor, the ability to speak effectively with clients and their families, and extensive experience as a therapist. Her passion for anxiety disorders and OCD in particular means that she brings a wealth of education and experience. I know when I share clients with her they are in good hands, and I would recommend her to anyone who is struggling to live their best life because of anxiety.” 

Anna Barlage
 Therapist and Founder of Long Lake Psychotherapy 

"It is a profound thing when people take what they've struggled with, and transform it into something that helps others. That's exactly what Jenny has done with this course. She has a gift for taking people beyond the noise of their minds, and into the life they want to be living. Jenny's compassionate approach will be a beautiful guide for anyone looking to step outside their comfort zone and into the experiences that await on the other side of time spent on an airplane."

Bryan Piatt
Host of Take What Serves. Leave the Rest Podcast


What’s Inside Fearful Flyer's Blueprint 


Module 1

Understanding Your Fear of Flying


Module Highlights:

  • Get crystal clear on why your body reacts the way it does, separating it from real danger, so you can confidently take charge.
  • Pinpoint your anxiety pattern, so you can tackle specific worries with a fresh game plan, putting you back in the driver's seat. 
  • Explore the why behind your flying anxiety to unlock the key to progress. 
Module 2

The Art of Transforming Anxious Thinking


Module Highlights:

  • Grasp the ins and outs of anticipation anxiety and nail a simple 3-step process to make your pre-flight period a whole lot less stressful.
  • List and debunk the worries swirling in your mind, uncovering the sneaky tricks anxiety plays on you.
  • Dive into practical skill-building with audio exercises, turning theory into action to strengthen your mental game.
Module 3

Tools and Techniques for Managing Anxiety's Physical Presence


Module Highlights:

  • Navigate panic and anxiety without resisting it to help you build resilience
  • Craft your own personalized toolkit with emotion regulation strategies 
  • Access to 5 powerful audio tracks to reinforce your newfound skills
Module 4

Strategies for Confronting Fear Head-On


Module Highlights:

  • Craft your step-by-step blueprint to face your fear of flying so you know exactly what to practice before and during your flight  
  • Access checklists and PDFs designed to help you plan your practice sessions and track your progress. Know when to celebrate achievements and recognize when it’s time to advance to the next step in conquering your fear
  • Dive into the details of flight preparation so that you can step onto the plane with confidence.

When you enroll during this special, limited time period,

you’ll get:


The Fearful Flyer's Blueprint


  • 4 Modules of Expert Instruction

    Each module contains lessons taught with expertise from a therapist specialized in treating phobias. Each module is filled with PDF worksheets, guided meditations, and actionable skills to practice

  • Essential Anxiety Management Skills

    Equip yourself with practical thinking and emotional skills to handle anticipation anxiety and panic. Say goodbye to pre-flight jitters and panic and hello to an enjoyable flying experience.
  • A Personalized Blueprint to Overcoming Flight Anxiety

    using skills backed by evidence-based therapies. Your personal plan will give you a blueprint of what skills to practice so that you are not white knuckling your way through your next flight.
  • Confidence in the World of Aviation

    Learn the inner workings of the aviation industry and demystify the mechanics of flight. This deep dive will equip you with a thorough understanding of the flying process, so you can turning anxiety into trust

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Accelerate Your Progress


Bonus 1

Course Kickstart Workbook

This workbook will help you develop a mindset that will deepen your motivation for change. Examine the real-life impact of your fear, turning reflections into motivation. Envision a fear-free future, using desires as a powerful motivator. Set clear and achievable goals, creating tangible milestones on your journey to conquer flight anxiety.

(A $49 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • Connect with your personal motivations for overcoming the fear of flying.
  • Reflect on the impact your fear of flying has had on your life so that you can turn your missed opportunities into powerful drive for change
  • Set clear and achievable goals, creating tangible milestones on your journey to conquer flight anxiety.
Bonus 2

Understanding Aerodynamics, Safety, Training, and Concerns in Flight

Ever wish you had an aviation expert on speed dial to unravel the mysteries of flying? Well, meet Justin Matthews – my hubby who has over a decade of experience working in the field of aviation and will dispel all the myths about flying to help you to feel more confident and trust flying is safe. 

(A $175 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • Insight into the aviation industry, its incredible growth, and the unbeatable safety records that’ll put your mind at ease.
  • Clarity on the principles of aerodynamics, understanding the nitty-gritty of aircraft design (without needing a degree in aerospace engineering), and exploring the safety features that make your flight as secure as it gets.
  • Understanding of the meticulous pre-flight checks, emergency protocols, and why turbulence is not as scary as it seems. 
  • Answers to the unknown so you can learn how to handle common triggers like turbulence, takeoff, sounds, and sensations.
  • 3 Exclusive live Q&A sessions with Justin Matthews (Optional with the VIP Experience).

Plus You’ll Be Backed by a

Risk-Free 7 Day Guarantee

I know you have your doubts if this course could actually help you. You've tried so many things already, and so you are wise to be cautious. I get it. 

I know you aren't afraid to invest in something that will help you regain freedom from this fear. But you don't want to waste time or hard earned money. I get that.  

That's why we've got your back with a money-back guarantee.

Within the first 7 days, you'll dive into the initial 2 modules of Fly with Confidence. 

This means you'll have the chance to unravel your anxiety pattern, grasp what's fueling your fear, and identify the changes needed before fully committing. 

If, by February 11, 2024, you don't feel absolutely empowered and motivated, just reach out, demonstrate your commitment by showing us your progress, and we'll refund your investment. Full details can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for Fearful Flyer's Blueprint

Still thinking about it?

Fearful Flyer's Blueprint is PERFECT for you if… 

  • You're done letting fear control your life.

The years are passing you by, and you've felt the sting of missing out. You are tired of trading your hard earned PTO for endless hours of driving or limiting yourself to short flights. You're tired of the narrative that says “this is just the way I am.” You are ready to change the story you tell yourself, because you know you are capable of so much more. 

  • You know this fear won't magically disappear. 


Deep down, you understand this fear isn't a passing phase. It's been a part of you, affecting not just your life but those closest to you as well. Your loved ones have dreams of places to go, but your reluctance to fly there has their dreams held back. You hate that your fears are holding them back. You know that if you want to be able to join your loved ones, then you are going to have to start taking action. You know it will take effort, but the benefits are bigger than your fear.  And there is no better time than the present. 

  • You aren’t afraid of putting in the work.

In every nook and cranny of your life, you're the planner, the one who grabs the reins and takes charge. The success you’ve had in your life isn't a fluke; it's the result of your relentless spirit. You're hardworking, determined, and hungry to learn and grow. You’ve achieved a lot-and here’s the thing, you can use those strengths to overcome your fear of flying too.  

There’s a kind of satisfaction you get when you imagine putting together a plan for your own self-improvement. The path might be challenging, but you? You're not here for the easy route.  This is your time and you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

I can’t wait for you to join Fearful Flyer's Blueprint

Creating this digital course has been a deeply personal journey rooted in the profound impact that overcoming fear of flying has had on my life. Having personally struggled with this fear, I intimately understand the overwhelming anxiety it can induce. I've always been someone that valued traveling, and when anxiety tried to stop me from living the life I wanted, I fought back. My defiance game is strong.

This course is a reflection of my own battle with flying anxiety paired with the research backed skills I've been trained in a therapist. I will teach you the blueprint to fly with ease, whether the root of your fear is centered around safety, feeling trapped, or illness.

If you're done letting fear control your life, then you're in the right place. 

And's completely risk-free. After 7 days if you don't think this course is for you, you can request a refund. 

I invite you to join me inside the Fearful Flyer's Blueprint. Sign-up today and let me show you how to have a different travel experience. 




The information provided is intended as educational information only. Jenny Matthews cannot tell you what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, or give recommendations based on your unique situations or circumstances. Nothing on this page or Site should be construed as therapeutic recommendation or personalized advice. If you are in need of such services, please consult with a physician or other medical provider right away to determine the best course of action for you. We are not responsible for your use of this page, this website, or the contents within. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU READ OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE. For more information, please read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this platform, this page, and the contents within constitutes as your agreement with this agreement.